Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Emotions Of A Mouse

Our objective was to chose one object and draw the given emotions using the mouse in a representative, descriptive way. I chose the mouse as i felt i could play around with the concept more and because it had so many gadgets to express with.
The first one was sad, easiest of the lot. Passionate, i chose to draw a gaming mouse, because that is my passion as well. Creative speaks for itself, and artist mouse, holding a palate and a paintbrush at the end of its wire. My favorite was the brave mouse, so i could design it as a viking warrior. Then the greedy mouse, eating up the cd, and lastly, hardworking , which was the nerd mouse, studying hard. All of them were so interesting to create and so much fun to visualize. The concept of combining two ideas that are usually exclusive from one another is simply fascinating and has inspired me so much.

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