Sunday, October 12, 2014

Forced Connections

At first, grasping the concept of joining two un-related things to form a new idea seems quite difficult; until you realize that it is possible to identify in almost everything around you. If everything is broken down, ultimately you will find that there is indeed a way to create something unique out of existing things. For example,
Pencil Vs Camera - 57 by BenHeine
This artist has used the concept of reality vs. something that he has created to be in this image. The drawing therefore becomes a part of the setting to create a new idea, and yet we are aware that it is completely exclusive from the real image.

Keyball by Saartj1e
This creator has redefined the concept of the keyboard, modifying it to suit his purposes. A completely unique and revolutionary idea, made from existing tech.

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It could be as simple as this tennis ball trick, something that we would never have thought of if we perceive it as simply as what it is meant to be.

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This idea is simple, and yet so brilliant. Who wouldn't love to watch films in their own little theater. It is just a matter of combining ideas to create something so clearly amazing.

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Again, a simple object being used with another object, transforms into a work of brilliance.

In conclusion, this made me think about all the possibilities there are, how to combine ideas and think outside the box, to join concepts to come up with new creations. It helped me understand how creators minds work, how patterns and ideas spring up from the most unexpected places and to look for inspiration that surrounds me all the time.

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