Sunday, October 12, 2014

Coca-Cola -Dare to Breathe Fresh Air

Our first Objective was to narrow down the choices of how to present the product, so we decided who to target, the age group, the target prices etc.
Along the way we picked up on many various suggestions and linked them to two ideas; one to target the young teens and the other perhaps older,The one for teens was based off a Novel/book and we were concerned if anyone who had not read the book or seen the film would get the reference, therefore ended up choosing the second choice. This one was of a female in army cargo, and a gas mask, aimed to appeal to perhaps gamers, and young adults and so on. Also, we took into consideration that the steampunk, post apocalyptic theme is now making a huge impact in the film and game industry, ranging from things like Walking dead, which all represent some form of virus or disease.Hence, our representation of an add for a world, maybe in need of clean air.
The logo,"Dare to breathe Fresh air,'' is a simple yet appealing concept, almost daring and challenging the viewer to try this product. By using a poetic device of opening the sentence with a shocking word such as "Dare" we hope to grasp the audience attention at once.
I think it was a challenging task to combine our knowledge together and create something that would suit the requirements, because we all head various ideas. However, despite the little things we made errors on and could have improved, i think the concept came out the way we had planned.

Group Members-:

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