Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Combination of Foods

From the given items, our group began spreading our the ideas, with the combination of different flavors and textures, such as mushroom soup twisties, and bell pepper salted eggs. We came up with the most outrages combinations, just to see how we many we could make, and ultimately, we narrowed it down to two particular ones that not only fused two completely contrasting flavors but textures as well.
Chilli ice-cream seemed quite a fun idea to play around with, not to mention the exciting combination of Spicy hot and sweet cold elements. Nora created the name Chilli Gelato, an appealing product name for it. The second idea was Bacon wrapped fries, another mouth watering , unconventional fusion of foods that are both fried and salty but varied in texture and taste. The idea was very creative, and could target many tastes of various customers. Afhika designed and named the product Bacon Fries.
From this exercise, we learned to combine things that dissimilar and yet when combined can produce a great outcome. It was not only fun but a chance to experiment and tug at our imaginations, to see how much we could apply to appeal to the public.

My group Members-:Nora Afhika Gwendoline

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Forced Connections

At first, grasping the concept of joining two un-related things to form a new idea seems quite difficult; until you realize that it is possible to identify in almost everything around you. If everything is broken down, ultimately you will find that there is indeed a way to create something unique out of existing things. For example,
Pencil Vs Camera - 57 by BenHeine
This artist has used the concept of reality vs. something that he has created to be in this image. The drawing therefore becomes a part of the setting to create a new idea, and yet we are aware that it is completely exclusive from the real image.

Keyball by Saartj1e
This creator has redefined the concept of the keyboard, modifying it to suit his purposes. A completely unique and revolutionary idea, made from existing tech.

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It could be as simple as this tennis ball trick, something that we would never have thought of if we perceive it as simply as what it is meant to be.

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This idea is simple, and yet so brilliant. Who wouldn't love to watch films in their own little theater. It is just a matter of combining ideas to create something so clearly amazing.

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Again, a simple object being used with another object, transforms into a work of brilliance.

In conclusion, this made me think about all the possibilities there are, how to combine ideas and think outside the box, to join concepts to come up with new creations. It helped me understand how creators minds work, how patterns and ideas spring up from the most unexpected places and to look for inspiration that surrounds me all the time.

The Emotions Of A Mouse

Our objective was to chose one object and draw the given emotions using the mouse in a representative, descriptive way. I chose the mouse as i felt i could play around with the concept more and because it had so many gadgets to express with.
The first one was sad, easiest of the lot. Passionate, i chose to draw a gaming mouse, because that is my passion as well. Creative speaks for itself, and artist mouse, holding a palate and a paintbrush at the end of its wire. My favorite was the brave mouse, so i could design it as a viking warrior. Then the greedy mouse, eating up the cd, and lastly, hardworking , which was the nerd mouse, studying hard. All of them were so interesting to create and so much fun to visualize. The concept of combining two ideas that are usually exclusive from one another is simply fascinating and has inspired me so much.

Coca-Cola -Dare to Breathe Fresh Air

Our first Objective was to narrow down the choices of how to present the product, so we decided who to target, the age group, the target prices etc.
Along the way we picked up on many various suggestions and linked them to two ideas; one to target the young teens and the other perhaps older,The one for teens was based off a Novel/book and we were concerned if anyone who had not read the book or seen the film would get the reference, therefore ended up choosing the second choice. This one was of a female in army cargo, and a gas mask, aimed to appeal to perhaps gamers, and young adults and so on. Also, we took into consideration that the steampunk, post apocalyptic theme is now making a huge impact in the film and game industry, ranging from things like Walking dead, which all represent some form of virus or disease.Hence, our representation of an add for a world, maybe in need of clean air.
The logo,"Dare to breathe Fresh air,'' is a simple yet appealing concept, almost daring and challenging the viewer to try this product. By using a poetic device of opening the sentence with a shocking word such as "Dare" we hope to grasp the audience attention at once.
I think it was a challenging task to combine our knowledge together and create something that would suit the requirements, because we all head various ideas. However, despite the little things we made errors on and could have improved, i think the concept came out the way we had planned.

Group Members-: http://greatest-treasurees.blogspot.sg/  http://ninesevenkid.tumblr.com/  http://thejournalofnora.blogspot.sg/

Self image

Our objective was to draw an image of what we want ourselves to be,what represents us and i remembered a drawing i had done awhile ago, one which i created after a long period of not drawing.
As someone who is obsessed with fantasy i find myself drawn towards the warrior like characters, specially those like Xena who's strength is obvious. Weapons have also held a fascination for me, specially the Sia's, because even though they are defensive weapons, it requires great strength and one on one encounters to wield them.The flaming red hair and tan skin is also symbolic in terms of personal preference;i have always loved red color, and tan because i am from Sri lanka, and running around on the beach with my friends, always yearning for a tan is something that is so nostalgic.
The built physique is what i am hoping to achieve. It represents a personal struggle and a goal i am to reach.
The green eyes is once again symbolic on a personal level, and means something very special to me.
Her expression and posture all speak of defense, a preparatory stance for the unexpected and sheer strength, someone you would not dare to go up against.
All in all, it may be my inner gamer and fantasy lover that has created this medieval warrior, as a collection of all that fascinates me, but it most certainly possesses pieces of me one way or another.