Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Unconventional Artists

                                            INSPIRING UNCONVENTIONAL ARTISTS

                                                                     TIM BURTON

                                    California born Artists,Film director,producer and poet, Tim Burton is one of the most inspirational artists who has been responsible for some of the most iconic films to be produced as of recent times, including his fantastic rendition of Alice in Wonderland. During his childhood, Burton spent a great deal of time creating short,stop-motion animations that would be the first step towards his successful  career. What captures my interest is his unusual approach towards classics, his Gothic adaptations so enriched with the signature style that each and every one of his characters possess. His conceptions are absolutely stunning, the depth to such simplistic forms visible only if perceived with an open mind

So enriched with dark fantasy and unorthodox forms, his work has been consistently visually stimulating, which has led to many hits such as Edward scissorhands, Beetle Juice, Batman and some of my personal favorites, Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride and Sleepy Hollow, most of which are starred or voiced by prominent names such as his most popular choices, his wife Helena Bonham Carter and his close friend Johnny Depp.

                  Burton spent some time working for Disney, working on productions such as Fox And the Hound, but found his individuality being suppressed by the style required by the company. His pursuit of dark creations led to him being fired, as Disney considered his work too dark for the entertainment of children; and yet it did not prevent him from producing some of the greatest animations the world has seen.For his determination to break the barriers of Fantasy and re-introducing stop motion animation in such a beautifully unconventional manner, Burton is worthy of recognition.

Website to some of his creations.Use arrows to navigate the character through his gallery

As a child i possessed a keen interest in imitation, as i would attempt to replicate the art works of people around me, and Burton's characters had a phenomenal influence on my own work. I  was captivated by his use of dramatic color, infusions of surreal concepts and those that would so subtly draw the attention of small children. It takes an artist of vast talent to be able to produce works that not only impact the viewer at a certain age, but to be able to continue to effect the individual as they themselves grow and mature. Burton's determination to pursue his own style, despite the critics of those around him, has also taught me to chase after my individuality with enthusiasm, to be unmoved by those who attempt to change what may seem unorthodox methods, and continue to explore the world of design.

                                                          Gunther Von Hagens

                                           Anatomist Gunther Von Hagens has breached the barriers of creativity, choosing to test the perception of human to its most extreme. Human remains have always been treated with a sense of Taboo, as religious beliefs consider that it is what is left after the soul has departed. Yet, Hagens's fascination of the human anatomy led him to further explore this, resulting in what is now known as Plastination, a method of preserving the dead body after dissection.

His explorations led to many lawsuits, most of which were won by him, and many controversies. Many considered this a desecration of human remains in the most unfathomable manner, and the concept of dissecting and rearranging the human body in the name of art was intolerable. To him, it was a way of expressing his fascination with the anatomy of living organism, sharing the wonders of the human body in a visually stimulating manner that would draw the attention of the world. He succeeded, going on to to create some of the most intense, completely unique and utterly shocking pieces.He also discovered a method of slicing the bodies into strips so finely thin that it is almost translucent. The inner organs also remained in tact and in position, creating a varied view of the human structure. While his work remains taboo'd and frowned upon by many, Gunther Von Hagens remains as one of the most unconventional artist the world has seen

I cannot imply that this artist has influenced my work, rather, he has fascinated me to an unparalleled level He has completely broken the Laws, not only in terms of ethical values but in terms of elements used, subjects breached and explored. The amount of dedication required to face the public after such extreme breach of morals, is something no other artist would dare to do. While i admire his guts and ability to stand by his own beliefs, i do not think i would be able to endure such criticism and hatred towards my work.


                                                              Jackson Pollock 

                                           A name famous for selling some of the most expensive and sought after paintings in the world, abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock revolutionized the techniques of painting. His use of ordinary household items such as cans and buckets,to produce such stunning masterpieces is sheer brilliance, the lackadaisical act of splattering paint on a canvas may seem rather unimpressive to some, but upon closer inspection it is clear that beneath the layers is a spontaneous rhythm of structured designs, flowing with predetermined patterns.
                                                                  There is a harmony of elements, balance of colors that bring all the pieces of the picture together. His works were mostly based on large wall sized canvases, which made them even more appealing. Pollock's work symbolizes the true significance of line and texture in the world of art, and going past the ordinary methods of expressing energy.A recluse and constant alcoholic, his work reflects the story behing the painter, shattering the barriers between the artists,painting and the viewer, something most painters failed to achieve.

                His work may seem unimpressive to those who cannot see past the blast of lines; the depth and clear cut, unrestrained power house of energy that they exhibit misunderstood. The free drip of paint upon the canvas represents something much bigger than the picture itself, and will connect to people in various manners.
Personally i feel energized and fascinated by Pollock's work, not only due to the un-predictable  lines but the flow and rhythm of the picture, the movement so beautifully communicated by his technique. That is what captures my interest, his subtle ability to break the barrier between the viewer and the picture by connection to them on a personal level in various ways.
 Jackson Pollock has been,and will remain one of the most iconic unconventional painters of all time.


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