Sunday, August 10, 2014


First step was to agree on 3 topics.Each person had their own preference, but we managed to narrow it down to the following three;
How to Squeeze a Lemon
How to Kill A Roach
How To Build A Snowman

Next was the structure. We began jotting down 25 ideas each on a piece of paper, from which our initial starting points developed. Each one of us had ideas that originated from completely varied objects, and yet there were times when our ideas would be the same. It was very interesting seeing how my group mates perceived the topic, thus influencing my own ideas. At some points, it was clear that our ideas would be almost identical, save the object or action used. 
 Having done brainstorming for my A-level art projects, it was not a difficult task to begin the mapping out.What i found most  fascinating and enthralling is working together with my group mates to develop these ideas into new ideas. It was an unfamiliar sensation, as i was unaccustomed to working with others to develop ideas. All in all, it was a brilliant experience, as i was inspired by each team mates individuality, and i learned to stimulate fresh ideas with their help. In addition, brainstorming for such a simple action, that requires such evident solutions,proved to be somewhat of a trial. It was not opposition of ideas, but the progress of our initial work,that proved to be a challenge.
In conclusion, i took away much from this experience, this varied perception of brainstorming. All projects must originate from a common idea, and it was absolutely delightful to merge several ideas into a common starting point. I also learned what it was like to run out of ideas, meet a dead end that completely frustrated and amused me at the same time. Bonding and sharing with my group also helped me to communicate better, understand them and share their overall mood through out the challenges we faced as a team.In addition, propagating ideas, visualizing concepts, attempting to find pristine, alternative methods to those that the rest of the class had used, was quite a challenge as well. It allowed me to remove the shackles of my mind, releasing it into thinking beyond the conventional means of doing things. Collectively, this project has given me, not only an interesting experience, but a lot  to ponder about in regard to other day to day matters that could be similarly explored.  

My Team Mates Blogs
                                            Afiqah -:


One particular idea that comes to mind is the concept of singular brainstorming, where the individual originates several ideas from one base inspiration.It allows the thinker to broaden their options, and weigh each option in relation to their strengths and weaknesses.It may be used in reverse, narrowing down one's options from a vast range of ideas, down to a single common idea that suits and addresses all the individuals needs.This is also known as mind mapping.
Then Of course, the group brainstorming, where you collectively suggest ideas, thus providing the team with an even broader perspective,and numerous ideas and suggestions. This is effective in relation to a wider range of options, and will give each individual participant an individual impact, according to his or her preference.
Other ways may include varying your interpretation into a state of surrealism, or vice versa depending on the situation, so as to approach the matter in a completely revolutionary manner. It is also possible to gather the input of people completely uninvolved with your project, an impatrial participant who will provide you with fresh ideas, even if they may not be from the same field of interest.This will not only provide the thinker with alternatives, but completely idionsyncratic ideas and unconventional solutions.


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