Saturday, August 2, 2014


                           Having recently moved to a new environment,having to adjust to a new life style and culture, my journey led me to many places in pursuit of a location that would inspire familiar sensations i could empathize with.My first exploration led me to the Chinese Gardens,where my mind was dazzled by the coruscating kaleidoscope of breath taking colors and the rich culture
. However, i failed to secure the particular emotions i was seeking.My Next journey led me to the beach,where is spent and hour listening to the rhythmic lapping of the waves against the shore, the busy buzz of people swarming around in the Saturday night excitement.Inspiration failed to hit me
                  After many more such trips, i found myself drawn toward one location that has become my sanctuary whenever i need a breath of fresh air. It is but a simple place, one which is frequently used by many people on a daily basis, and yet unrecognized for the marvel it is.
This walkover bridge caters to the five senses in subtle yet significant manners. While the use for the bridge is predominantly used to reach the other side of the road, i found that at 3 A.M in the morning, it transforms into a location of perfect peace and tranquility. What is most pre-eminent at first is the beautiful contrast of colors, the warm, bright glow of the lamp against the cool,striking blue of the store lights. Visually, this location provides a palate of colors that takes your breadth away, as they illuminate the empty streets with their flamboyance. 

The balance and harmony of elements that are so visually stimulating,seems almost intentional. Like an alignment of fireflies,the lights ignite a classic sense of peace,not to mention the artistically casted shadows,that remind us that it is nightfall,adding a mysterious gothic touch.The atmosphere is absolutely spectacular, especially when the streets are vacant of people, and the elevation of the bridge makes one feel as though they stood on heavens pedestal upon this sight.The absence  of people and ,as time passed,cars, resulted in a state of silence so beautiful, it resembled music in its own way. The soft rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze, accompanied by my breathing was a symphony unparalleled to any other.

 The floor of the walkway is paved with a grainy cement that provides an excellent place to sit and relax, because while it may seem rather uncomfortable, the texture is quite steady and even.

In contrast, the cold steel of the railing is quite chilling, similar to cold water.The steps uneven rise and fall adds an odd perception that reflects the mood of the beholder. Sitting under the lamp light provides warmth and comfort, surrounding you in a cocoon of heat against natures chill, yet another phenomenal trait of this location.
Sitting under the lamp light provides warmth and comfort, surrounding you in a cocoon of heat against natures chill, yet another phenomenal trait of this location.It resembles a medieval torch, a beacon of guidance that leads the people who cross this bridge safely across to their destination
As for smell, the only prominent smell that is noteworthy is that of the wet leaves and earth,the aromatic aftermath of a heavy storm. It rises from the ground like a delicious taunt, luring and seducing me into inhaling its scent deeply into my soul. It dominates every other smell,preventing distractions so as to keep my focus steady on its appealing waft, painting scenes and images of rain,personifying it into state of reality.The synesthesia caused by the connection of smell to visual stimuli that causes gooseflesh to rise from my skin in response is a very comforting sensation.
All in all, the location may seem rather ordinary, so unnoticed my many as it merges,incognito, with the setting in day time, has become a sanctuary of peace and relaxation for me as night takes its rightful place in the sky upon sunset.The juxtaposition of elements that work so well together,harmonizing in a beautiful combination of comforts, makes this place wonderful to take a journey through for an hour, as it appeals to your senses in a way that no other location can.

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