Sunday, September 21, 2014



Finding faces or familiar shapes in our surroundings, a commonly experienced occurrence, most commonly when we look at the clouds. As a small kid, i recall finding popcorn the most fascinating things to eat, mainly due to the many shapes and characters i could identify within the food.

Admittedly, it is not as easy to find the faces when i was actually looking for them ,especially when looking for them within our campus. Perhaps it was because i was more familiar and comfortable in finding faces in organic matter than the artificial structures. Some faces were instantaneously recognizable, while other took a flash of inspiration and careful examination; for example
 the plug point, upside down, looked like an amazed emoticon expression, upside down, and the bolts, if looked at tilting your head to the right, resemble eyes and the long handle, the mouth, expressing bemusement. While it seems as though they were easily identifiable, i passed them numerous times, and only discovered them upon desperation to find the ten faces.
This particular face , is seen once again, upside down, with the two window like squares being the eyes.
 These were some of the more amusing faces, ones that just required no effort on my part to spot out.

I think this exercise was very entertaining and fascinating at the same time. It helped me to understand and be more aware of my surroundings, to be able to analyze and identify patterns even when they aren't visible upon first glance. While it was easier in some cases than others, soon i began to realized that the faces and shapes were everywhere, and it was merely how our mind would perceive and identify them.

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