Sunday, September 21, 2014

Marshmallow Challenge

The objective was to make a base using only the materials given to us, including the 20 sticks of pasta, and build a stand to hold the marshmallow on top. Who ever built the tallest stand would win.
Our group began by breaking down the basics; the base, building up on the foundation with an equally strong support, and then placing the sweet on to in a manner which its weight would not topple or cause the tower to lean. Like in a house, the most important part would be the foundation, and so we began sketching out ideas, choosing what would be the strongest and yet would use less pasta sticks, as our resources were limited. Two people began taping the pasta together while the one held the structure and the other added more. By the last five minutes we began to feel the pressure as it seemed like there was not enough time to finish it. However, with the combined efforts of all the group members, not only did we complete the tower with the marshmallow on top, but we won the challenge as most of the other toppled under the weight or were unbalanced.
Careful planning, team coordination and time management were a few of the lessons we learned, and most prominently, it was the fact that our group is the most silent and yet communicated in our own way to achieve success.

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