Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ways To Make NAFA more attractive

1) Present the students work in a more attractive, appealing and prominent manner,with interactive methods to allow the public to leave feedback and suggestions for the artists.

2)Large display screens, to exhibit the works

3) Classrooms with glass ceilings for inspiration and lighting purposes

4)Bus Stop Exclusively for NAFA staff and students

5)Optical illusion paintings to attract viewers

6)High ceiling in the Lobby for an impacting first impression

7) Rooftop greenhouse

8) A field or garden for sports and trees

9)Murals from past students to be displayed

10)Interactive boards for by passer by's to draw.

Marshmallow Challenge

The objective was to make a base using only the materials given to us, including the 20 sticks of pasta, and build a stand to hold the marshmallow on top. Who ever built the tallest stand would win.
Our group began by breaking down the basics; the base, building up on the foundation with an equally strong support, and then placing the sweet on to in a manner which its weight would not topple or cause the tower to lean. Like in a house, the most important part would be the foundation, and so we began sketching out ideas, choosing what would be the strongest and yet would use less pasta sticks, as our resources were limited. Two people began taping the pasta together while the one held the structure and the other added more. By the last five minutes we began to feel the pressure as it seemed like there was not enough time to finish it. However, with the combined efforts of all the group members, not only did we complete the tower with the marshmallow on top, but we won the challenge as most of the other toppled under the weight or were unbalanced.
Careful planning, team coordination and time management were a few of the lessons we learned, and most prominently, it was the fact that our group is the most silent and yet communicated in our own way to achieve success.

Unconventional Artists related to my field-Yummei

All City by yuumei     YUMMEI     Re-Imagine by yuumei

An artists i happened to stumble across many many times on Deviantart , and then began seeing in Digital art magazines, which feature her amazing work as reference to some of the most inspiring, talented digital artists today. Her work is absolutely mind blowing, her unorthodox ideas and brilliant compositions, together with  unusual yet unbelievable use of neon colors, together, make one unconventional artists who i aspire to be like.
Field of Dreams by yuumei
I my-self, hope to enter the gaming industry one day, having grown up on video games ranging from Dota, to King Of Fighters and Pokemon. I aspire to become a character designer, and while i incline more towards sci-fi or medieval fantasy,Yummei's art has been a huge impact on my work in terms of straight forward unique individuality.Her most prominent and recognized work is that of the Fisheye-placebo, an anarchist character who is an expression and representation of the artists own beliefs.     Watching the Watcher by yuumeiThe implications behind her works are so clear and skillfully clever, her concepts both visually stimulating and fascinating beyond words. She has also made several other informative pieces, that have been a massive success on Websites such as deviantart, for example;
Countdown by yuumeithe message is shocking and impacting on such a level that the viewer is captivated by the concept. Her work ranges from fan art to pieces like this one, and it is clear that her manner of expression is unparalleled to any other.This is what i hope to achieve, a position in the art and gaming world that separates me from everyone else, a unique style and inspiring concepts that change the perception of the those who view the work.
Yummei exhibits characteristics of one who dares to achieve her goals no matter how much time or effort it may consume, and no matter what criticism she will receive .She is now working on a line of headsets that she originally designed as an concept, by yuumeiAxent Wear by yuumeiAxent Wear Prototype One by yuumeiThe headset not only produces the neon lights, but the cat ears act as speakers that can be activated to play whatever music you are listening to,out loud. She has revolutionized the art world with her ideas, and is such an inspiration to hundreds of artists world wide, including myself. Her determination, dedication and perseverance  is remarkable and i hope to some day be able to achieve at least a part of her success.



Finding faces or familiar shapes in our surroundings, a commonly experienced occurrence, most commonly when we look at the clouds. As a small kid, i recall finding popcorn the most fascinating things to eat, mainly due to the many shapes and characters i could identify within the food.

Admittedly, it is not as easy to find the faces when i was actually looking for them ,especially when looking for them within our campus. Perhaps it was because i was more familiar and comfortable in finding faces in organic matter than the artificial structures. Some faces were instantaneously recognizable, while other took a flash of inspiration and careful examination; for example
 the plug point, upside down, looked like an amazed emoticon expression, upside down, and the bolts, if looked at tilting your head to the right, resemble eyes and the long handle, the mouth, expressing bemusement. While it seems as though they were easily identifiable, i passed them numerous times, and only discovered them upon desperation to find the ten faces.
This particular face , is seen once again, upside down, with the two window like squares being the eyes.
 These were some of the more amusing faces, ones that just required no effort on my part to spot out.

I think this exercise was very entertaining and fascinating at the same time. It helped me to understand and be more aware of my surroundings, to be able to analyze and identify patterns even when they aren't visible upon first glance. While it was easier in some cases than others, soon i began to realized that the faces and shapes were everywhere, and it was merely how our mind would perceive and identify them.